He don't have the TRUTH®...
TJ Curioso
JoinedPosts by TJ Curioso
Justin Welby - Archbishop of Canterbury says......
by quellycatface inthat sometimes he has doubts about god and why he allows so much evil and suffering in the world.. fair play to him.. can't see any members of the gb admitting that in public, or any of the eldurrs etc...... .
My JW mom is now willing to "listen" to our side...Need advice pls
by 2pink inmy husband and i (both born in jws with extended family all "in" except for one of my sisters who left when we did) left the church 5 years ago.
we did not fade, we just didn't believe it anymore, told our families so and left.
obviously, big drama in our family after this, messy feelings, etc.
TJ Curioso
2pink, any news about Your Mum?
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
tjcurioso: What happens in a lot of families where there are tensions? very often they don't speak years with each other.. or till they dies. And good family relations are broken.. Very sad, with my work I often deal with such situations.... why is this conduct accept, and why is nobody ring on the alarm bell? i know a lot of JW's who have contact with expelled family despite the policy they have to follow.. And of course others who are following strictly the rules...
Enzo, I don't understand Your comparison. We are not talking about familie and all the problems existing in the midle. We are discussing the evidence that points to a certain group as a cult and what determines that group as a cult.
The shunning is ALWAYS a clue that certain group can be or certainly is "destructive cult" or use great control over the members, creating a mentality of us vs. them. The religion of the Witnesses don't have this clue alone (shunning), and if You read all the books that exist about cults and articles about that and compare to the JW, You can see that many of the characteristics attributed to cults fit perfectly in the JW religion. Don't all of them, but many do.
London111 only mention some aspects but there are many more.
See the book Take Back Your Life by Janja Lalich and Madeleine Tobias in page 327-328 were are mention characteristics associated with Cultic Groups and compare with the JW.
There are 15 characteristics mention there and in the JW religion at least 12 fit.
New Leaflet to give to JW about TTATT
by TJ Curioso inhi to all my fellows "apostates" in all world... especially in e.u.a.
and uk.. as some of you already know, ex-jw in portugal created a leaflet especialy to send to jw in all the country (individualy or to congregations).
we must say that it was a sucess from the point of view of the impact originated.
TJ Curioso
I hope many use this tool and send to the JW that they know.
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo I have some books (as I mention) about sects. Do You know the book Cults - Faith, healing, and Coercion by Marc Galanter?
He's Professor of Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine. In his book the JW are mention!!! (see here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cults-Healing-Coercion-Marc-Galanter/dp/0195123700/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411037400&sr=8-1&keywords=Cults+-+faith)
Do You know the Book Take Back Your Life by Janja Lalich and Madeleine Tobias? In his book the JW are mention!!! (see here http://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-Back-Your-Life-Relationships/dp/0972002154/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1411037552&sr=8-1&keywords=Take+back+Your+life)
This two books are only a example how professionals from mental health see the JW religion and the impact that has in is members (in the context of cults and destrutive sects).
I think You need to search a little more about this before come here to tell things that don't match with reality. And worse, coming from a professional of mental health is more serious because You have a duty to your clients and not to a religion.
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo, if a JW accept a blood transfusion what happens? What are the actions that the religion take in that case?
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo can You have a link of that work? Or a more detailed information about?
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo answear me please:
For You what caracteristics define a destructive cult or one that use "undue influence"?
Have you ever read the review of Steven Hassan's books on Cult news.com?
by Enzo inhi, to everyone my username is enzo, .
recently a saw a video presented by john cedar presenting steve hassan as a cult expert.. .
but read this reviews presented on cult news about steve hassan's books, and it's up to you make your own opinion about the video.
TJ Curioso
Enzo read the Hassan's book "Releasing the Bonds" were are the JW mention, including exemples of therapy that he make with some of them. See the pages: 19-21, 205-210 and 307-308. They are mention in other pages of the book.
Two more quitters!
by apocalypse inin my city, there's been a husband and wife who quit this week.
the first thing that came to mind when i heard it was 'they didn't need my help'.. you see, many in my city who quit in the past were previously on my mailing list.